Practioner's programme

NLP offers a wide range of techniques and tools that can be applied across many different areas, all with an essential aim: to provide a way of improving effectiveness in your chosen area.

The Practitioner Programme offers many benefits. Here's just a few:
- Understand and motivate yourself, your team and individuals within it.
- Improved understanding of, and relationships with, colleagues, clients, customers.
- Strategies and techniques to add strength to your 'powers of influence and persuasion' – including problem areas and conflicts.
- How to define and readily achieve your own 'personal state of excellence'.
- Increased appraisal, listening and coaching skills.
- Greater understanding of other people's language and behaviour.
- Improved flexibility in controlling your emotional/mental state.
- Build upon your existing communication skills.

Practitioner programme 'snapshot':

For those who prefer to know a little more about the adventure they're about to undertake, here is a very brief glimpse of some of the major areas covered by the programme:


Discover a range of techniques that allows you to quickly and effortlessly change your state. How would you like to 'keep your head when all around are losing theirs'? How would you like to control nerves or apprehension before an important meeting or a major presentation? What about a technique for making you instantly 'high energy' at a time when you feel quite unmoved?


Learn more about the way we unconsciously construct language and how we can understand a great deal more about our own and other people's thinking. Apply this knowledge to help create excellent rapport and thereby open up the possibility of your ideas being more readily accepted.

We all understand what rapport is and have a pretty good idea when we have it and when we don't – but what are the elements that underpin rapport and how can we improve our ability to quickly and effortlessly get on with those we need to?

Learn some of the structures behind an everyday process that can add hugely to your ability to effect change. Discover techniques to handle conflict, difficult memories and even phobias.

Discover your personal and essential characteristics that really differentiate the difference between positive and negative thinking. Find out how you can make simple changes inside your head that can radically change your emotions and behaviour.

Discover how to elicit and encode strategies of success in a way that will allow you to model people who are acknowledged 'experts' in their field.
....and, of course, much more!

The syllabus
The actual programme elements covered include the following (presented here in sections, not as a teaching sequence):

Introduction to NLP:

Definition of NLP; NLP communication model; Background: the NLP story and people; Presuppositions of NLP; Well-formed outcomes; Limiting beliefs; New behaviour generator.

Verbal and non-verbal behaviour; Matching and mirroring; Pacing and leading;
Representational systems; VAKAd predicates; Eye accessing cues.

Sensory acuity and calibration:

Sensory acuity and calibration; Indicators of state; Congruity and incongruity; Physiology of excellence.

Contrastive analysis; Mapping across; Swish; Submodality belief change.

Anchoring; Chaining anchors; Collapsing anchors; Circle of excellence; Eliciting and building states.

Reframing techniques; Reframing values; Six-step reframe; Parts integration; V-K dissociation technique.

Strategy elicitation; TOTE mode; Modeling excellent behaviour; Perceptual positions; My three friends; Disney strategy.

Linguistic presuppositions, Meta model; Metaphors; Hierarchy of ideas – chunking; Basic meta-programmes.

Hypnotic patterns:
Milton model; Ericksonian patterns of suggestion; Conscious/unconscious learning.

Time lines:
Time lines – an overview; In time/through time; Eliminating negative emotions; Resolving limiting decisions; Dealing with anxiety; Using time lines to set goals.
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