“Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing.” Albert Schweitzer

How you influence others makes a huge difference – to you, your career and the organisation you work for. And the way you influence others is also a great example for them of how to, or how not to do it. It’s therefore surprising how little attention the essential skills of influence receive when it comes to training and development. Let’s face it – we’ve been influencing others since we were in the cradle. (Thanks, mum!). And it’s great when we get our way isn’t it? But what kind of mark or impression do we leave behind when we get what we wanted? You see, we can push others, coerce others, sell to others, force others, plead with others – which are all styles of influence - but if we’re interested in establishing positive, long-term, healthy relationships with others whilst influencing them, there has to be a deeper understanding of the impact of our approach.

Make no mistake – ‘Influencing for Success’ is subtle stuff! It’s not simply ensuring you say the right words at the right time. Nor is it simply recognising that, as the Cheshire Cat advised Alice in Wonderland: “if you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there”. It’s about understanding others, understanding yourself, and understanding the most appropriate way to influence somebody so that both sides are happy with the result. Influencing for success requires a deeper understanding of the dynamics of human relationships. Here are just three gentle ‘test runs’ for you....

i) Rapport: How well do you understand the way that you create rapport with others? Why do you find it easy to build rapport with some people, but not with others?
Do you even think about ‘how’ you go about developing rapport?
ii) Listening: So you think you’re a good listener? (It’s quite rare that people say ‘no’ to this!). Are you aware when ‘the lights are on but no-one’s home’ when you’re speaking with people? (If you don’t, you definitely need help) and if you do know this – what do you do to prevent yourself from giving out the same signals? Are you aware of the essentials of PURE Listening (which go way beyond the norms of Active Listening)?
iii) Influence Energy: Do you really understand the ‘magnetic’ dynamics of influence (remember, magnets can attract and repulse!)?

 If you’d like to improve your own influencing skills or those of your team, contact

Date: 6/7/2012 4:29:08 PM by Ken Way | Open Featured Image
In: VisionSports Business |

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