“The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.”     Babe Ruth (US baseball star)

Sometimes individuals and teams perform like they're on fire.
Sometimes they simply lack that spark.
The same ability - the same approach - the same personnel. 

But not the same performance.
Hidden dynamics. 
The hidden dynamics of the mental game.

How do you ensure that you and your team perform to your best all the time? What dynamics assist peak performance and what detract from it? And how do you manage them? If you can’t answer such questions for yourself, chances are your team members can’t either – and it’ll reveal itself in terms of performance and achievements.

For a start, how well do you REALLY know your team? And how well do they REALLY know you....and each other? Let us focus on one measure – possibly the most powerful performance ingredient within teams – it’s called trust. It’s a ‘hidden’ performance dynamic. Invisible, yet highly impactful. Rarely spoken, yet having huge implications. Trust tends to operate out of sight, but we all know when it starts to go missing. And without it, performance will always struggle to reach true potential. Worse still, once trust goes it’s extremely difficult to get it back.

So if lack of trust detracts from performance how do you generate even more than you have of it right now? That’s not a consideration many give time to think about. And yet it’s only one of many dynamics that can detract from or assist in achieving true potential. Interested to find out where your team’s true potential lies? If you’d like help individually, or with your team - contact

Date: 6/7/2012 4:22:00 PM by Ken Way | Open Featured Image
In: VisionSports Business |

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